Circles® Canada - Canadian Campaign

Circles® Canada is a transformative collaborative committed to the elimination of poverty by harnessing the power of a caring communities working together. Circles® helps people transition out of poverty by building intentional, supportive, reciprocal, befriending relationships comprised of a Circle Leader, an individual or family working to get out of poverty and connecting them with community Allies, middle class people who are willing to befriend the family and support their way out of poverty.

Everyone needs enough relationships, resources and reason to thrive!

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Circles® Canada is a poverty alleviation strategy working to build relationships across socio-economic classes to empower people and communities to thrive! Our model focuses on these main strategies for people experiencing poverty: crisis management, life-stabilization, education, job placement and job retention; advancement and economic stability.

Circles® is a collaborative committed to the elimination of poverty in our community in our lifetime by harnessing the power of a caring community working together. Everyone needs enough relationships, resources and reasons to thrive.

Meet The Team

Martine Creasor, Circles Canada & Lambton Circles Coordinator
Jill Parker, National Circles® Coach

In 2009 Lambton County launched the 1st Circles® Initiative in Canada. Based on its tremendous success, Circles® is expanding rapidly across Canada.

Gayle Montgomery
Through Gayle's "trailblazing" leadership, Circles® was brought to the County of Lambton in 2009 becoming the first Canadian Circles® Chapter. In 2017, The County of Lambton became Circles® Canada. The Circles® communities thank Gayle for her vision and dedication!

"Circles® isn't just an organization, we're a family" – Carrie, Circle Leader